Sex offenders: risk assessment, risck factor and treatment


  • Rafael Bernardon Ribeiro Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College
  • Quirino Cordeiro Conselho Penitenciário do Estado de São Paulo
  • Ten. Cel. Méd. John Bosco Lee


Sex offending is a modality of crime that has intense public appeal and aversion, raising political discussions about punishment and means to reduce recidivism. Since in Brazil there is no legal life sentence, attempts to treat and reduce risk are extremely important. The general concerns over this population of criminals is justified, since statistics show that between 10 and 19% of them will reoffend within 4 to 5 years. In a recent meta-analysis of 118 prediction studies, for a pooled sample of 28,757 adult sex offenders, sexual recidivism rate was 11.5%, and any violent recidivism occurred in 19.5% of the cases and general recidivism in 33.2%9. Recidivism for any kind of crime can be as high as 43%, demonstrating that sexual offences are not the only concern for this population. The picture for adolescents can be even worse: in an Australian sample of 303 male sex offenders, 25% were
reconvicted before their 18th birthday and, as adults, 9% were charged for sexual offences, while a total of 61.3% were convicted for non-sexual offences as adults. (trecho)

Biografia do Autor

Rafael Bernardon Ribeiro , Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College

Médico psiquiatra do Centro de Atenção Integrada à Saúde Mental (CAISM) da Irmandade da
Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo (ISCMSP); Mestrado em Psiquiatria Clínica Forense pelo
Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College.

Quirino Cordeiro, Conselho Penitenciário do Estado de São Paulo

Diretor do Centro de Atenção Integrada à Saúde Mental (CAISM) da Irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo (ISCMSP); Professor Assistente e Chefe do Departamento de Psiquiatria e Psicologia Médica da Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Santa Casa de São Paulo (FCMSCSP);
Membro do Conselho Penitenciário do Estado de São Paulo.

Ten. Cel. Méd. John Bosco Lee

Tenente-coronel médico do exército de Singapura


