Women's rights violations in Afghanistan


  • Marcela Anguiano Rodriguez Universidad de Buenos Aires


In the 60’s and 70’s feminists started arguing about “the personal is political”; where the violence against women have to be taken seriously in a legal form (Moghadam and Bagheritari, 2005). These actions made to the United Nations started to consider how
women are as a basic issue to be treated (United Nations Department of Public Information, 2007). (trecho)

Biografia do Autor

Marcela Anguiano Rodriguez, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Prosecretario del Juzgado de Garantías nro. 1 del departamento judicial de Quilmes, cursante de la carrera
de especialización en derecho penal en la Universidad de Buenos Aires, domiciliado en Juncal 473, ciudad y partido de San Vicente.


